Saturday, August 1, 2009

Thinking in Dutch, Speaking in Spanish

When Johan C. (JC) just started coaching Barcelona "futbol" club,
he was asked a question during a press conference.
He later confessed, that he actually gave the answer in Dutch
in his head,before translating it for the Spanish press.
Now, in Dutch have a little phrase that goes:
“op een gegeven moment”,
which translates into English something like:
“at a given time, or at a given moment”.
This is a phrase the Spanish language does not have.
JC didn’t know, so he started his answer with:
“Un momento dado…”
Nobody understood this.
A moment was given?? By whom? To whom? How???
Everyone was clueless.
But JC didn’t know, and he went on to use that phrase ad nauseum
(he does say it a lot in Dutch too) until...
1: people started to get what he meant, and 2: it became a popular(after a while) and a “normal” phrase in Spanish too.
In fact, it is now added to the official Spanish dictionary.



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